Life Questions

It takes courage to face your own shortcomings. And wisdom to do something about it.

New insight and clear direction

Everybody has daily decisions to make and challenges to face. Illnesses, money matters, friendships, and relationships can cause you stress and and raise questions. What should I do? Why is this happening to me? What is this trying to tell me? Have I made the right choice?

Sometimes help is desired or even necessary to get out of an impasse.

Based on your birth data, I answer your Life Question by making contact with the source of unconditional love, which I also call ‘highest consciousness’. All knowledge and wisdom is present in this dimension. I write about the essence of your problem and how to come back to yourself.

The answer will give you new insight and clear direction, along with the courage and strength to do what you came here for: to live your own life to the fullest.



How does it work?

You have a question you just don’t know the answer to. Your question often has to do with making a difficult choice or gaining the insight you need to move forward.

It is often a difficult (and sometimes even painful) process that you have to go through to avoid getting stuck or deadlocked.

When an answer brings you back to yourself, you can see your situation or problem more clearly. The answer is given by your highest consciousness and is therefore just the right trigger come back into your power for you to regain inner strength and control. And for you to get the necessary insight so that you can make the right choice.

Fill in your details, so I know who you are, before paying. You will then receive confirmation from me that I have received your enquiry and payment. In the confirmation I will also give an estimate of the time I will need (one to four working days).

After you receive my answer, I would love to hear if it feels right and/or resonates for you. It is possible that you cannot interpret the answer properly or cannot feel it. In that case you can ask an additional question (reply to my e-mail); I won’t charge extra for this. Are you still not satisfied or would like more help with clarity or insight? Then request a conversation.

What are Life Questions?

A Life Question involves a fundamental choice in our lives and can only be answered from deeper wisdom.     

  • Am I making the right choice?
  • Why is this happening to me?
  • How should I deal with my illness?
  • How do I find my strength?
  • Does my partner suit me?
  • Etc



The reviews below relate to the more comprehensive Soul Readings but are representative of Life Questions as they have the same approach and method.

I was immediately touched to my core.

“I was surprised by the Soul Reading and it was a wonderful surprise. I was immediately touched to my core at the first reading of it. This is a very reliable gauge for me. After that, a wave of feelings washed over me. It really helps when you get the words for something that you are actually aware of without words. I can deal with it more consciously now. Thank you Coen!”

Jan Bommerez, author of Flow and the Art of Business and Less Need More Flow.

Clear where I am being led to.

“I gained a lot from reading this book and now, looking back, even more. I am now very aware of what you told me, and it is now very clear to me where I am being led in life. So, no more distractions. Go for it!”

Patricia van Walstijn, Chi Neng Institute Netherlands – Cityzen Arnhem

A complete product, very much in demand.

“We have now had time to let the Soul Readings affect us better. We both find it great information. It is true that a lot of the information was already known, but that of course also has to do with the fact that we have been soul-searching and living consciously for some time. I can imagine that this could start generating some very nice ‘buziness’. It is a rounded, compact product that I think there is a lot of need for. Almost everyone is looking for their destination/mission in life.”

Even more falls into place.

“Coen’s soul reading, has touched facets that I already unconsciously knew and felt deep inside but somehow could not put into words so clearly for myself. Because of this, even more is falling into place in my life than it already was, and I am very happy with the insights of this book that give me peace and clarity in things that are happening in my life, how I deal with them and what I want in life.”

What a wonderful gift.

“I’ve now really been able to absorb and understand my Soul Reading. It has taken more time than I had thought. Just reading is something anyone can do, but it won’t get you anywhere – you have to take action. I am going to do more and more with it and live by it. What a wonderful gift that you can do that and translate it in such a way that it is useful to someone else. When we meet, I still have a few questions, but not urgent ones – because then I wouldn’t wait.”

So simple, so soothing.

“It absolutely touched me. You are often looking for such complicated things in life, when it’s all about simplicity, or, as you write, ‘grounding’. When I look at myself, I see I am always running away from that. Inside, my greatest wish is contact with my inner self, but time and again I get distracted and don’t take enough time for it even though I actually have the time. That is the challenge! So simple, so soothing, but you often don’t allow yourself to do this and always focus on the other, otherwise I feel like I’m being selfish. But you do everything only for yourself – and in this way also for everyone else. Everything is one…”

The pieces are falling beautifully into place.

“Thank you for the Soul Reading. This reading gave me the confirmation that I have recently found my path. Wonderful! It also became clear to me how energies work for me. Why I can empathise so well, pick up on energies, but lose myself at the same time. I am also happy to read how I can make sure that I stay with myself. I found it clear, lucid reading. The pieces fell beautifully into place. I still have some deeper questions, so would love to make an appointment.”

I can really relate to what you write about me.

“It was very good for me to read your Soul Reading. Thank you. I can really relate to what you write about me. I searched for a short phrase from your reading, looking for a handhold. ‘Are you true to yourself then you feel infinite and all is well.’ I made it, “I am true to myself and feel infinite. All is well’. I wrote these two sentences in my notebook.”

It’s totally me.

“It’s really unbelievable. It’s totally me. Now to do something with it… If only I knew what I really want – my great passion. But I’ll wait and read it 10 more times. Thank you, Coen!”

Some bits make me hot and cold at the same time

“Thank you for the Soul Reading, I recognise a lot in it, and read and feel that I am already well on my way. Some pieces make me hot and cold at the same time as they fall into place, but I also know that I am not there yet. I am also working creatively on painting and am sometimes surprised at what comes from my heart to the canvas. I will let the reading go on affecting me, also partly to cure my diabetes. I am sure I will succeed.”

So positive and confident.

“It’s unbelievable but I have found Soul Reading. The reading is so positive and confident and I have really subconsciously been working on exactly the points described in it; very special!”

How does the answer come about?

Answering your Life Question comes about because I, based on your personal birth data, tune in and make contact with your highest consciousness. In this way, I get the answer to your question.

In my book `States of Consciousness‘, I explain how our consciousness works.

The book contains all the information necessary to understand this and how we can be free. Many people are ready for this.

My second book `The Creation of You‘ is a condensed and simple version of my first book.

The deep wisdom that is described arises from the inspiration to make contact with the field of consciousness in which all information is present.

The way it is written helps people find their way back to their own hearts. The book clarifies how programming, fears and judgement work in your life, thus giving you the opportunity to break free from these, if you choose to do so.

Who prepares the question?

The answer is prepared by Coen Stenfert. Besides answering Life Questions, he compiles Soul Readings and has written books on consciousness.

States of Consciousness

The Creation of You

Who prepares the answer?

The answer is prepared by Coen Stenfert. Besides answering Life Questions, he compiles Soul Readings and has written books on consciousness.

States of Consciousness

The Creation of You

Who is Coen Stenfert?


“It’s often the case that confirmation of what you already know lowers the threshold to really starting to believe in yourself, so that, when the time is right, you stop doubting everything you actually already know but keep seeking confirmation for.”

I have two passions, one of which is writing. However, I am not a conventional writer of books. I make contact with, as I call it, the highest consciousness and then write down what this consciousness passes on to me. In the highest consciousness all knowledge is in existence and we are all one.

It took me a long time to really believe that this is true. Every time I wrote, I thought to myself: where does this knowledge come from, how is it possible that I know this? Reading back my writing, I’m sure I couldn’t have known this in the beginning, at least not consciously. Even if it comes from my subconscious, there is no way to explain that I can write about other people too.

I see consciousness as a cloud in which all knowledge is present, a cloud which we are all part of and have access to as humanity.

After writing my own Soul Reading, I discovered that writing (in other words making contact with the highest consciousness) fulfils my soul mission.
By writing for people who have a problem (a Life Question) or are stuck, I can give them insight into the essence of their problem and how they can come back to themselves. In a Soul Reading I explain in detail why they are here and what (among other things) their mission, strengths and challenges are in this life.

In my books, I explain how consciousness works and what it is by also making myself vulnerable. This helps people better recognize themselves.If everyone understands what consciousness is, and recognises that we are (all) one in the end and that everything is right, then people will treat themselves and each other very differently.

Marjet, my dear friend and life partner discovered my gift. With much love and patience, she helped me develop it and inspired me to write the books.

Let us open to the highest consciousness and experience the wonders of life.


What can I do with the answer?

The answer will give you new insight and clear direction, so that you can make the right choice from your soul.

In my experience, answering from your soul brings a lot of recognition and therefore a lot happens to you. Take your time to let it sink in.

When you regain a clear understanding of who you are and what you have come to do, you are then able to express this and feel fulfilment and joy in your life.

Be aware that the answer to your Life Question comes from your own soul and is only for you..

How can I request an answer?

An answer to your Life Question can be requested via the button ‘YES, I have a Life Question’ by entering your full name, date of birth and place of birth in addition to your contact details. After payment* of €75, I will get started.

*Payment can be made via a secure link by iDEAL, credit card or PayPal.


How long will it take?

After your request, I will let you know by return email when you can expect your reply. Normally this is after three to four working days.

How do I get the answer sent to me?

Your answer will be emailed to you as a pdf. There is also the option of receiving personal clarification by phone upon request.

For more info, visit: ‘I would like a personal interview’.

What if I have any questions after that?

After you receive my answer, I would love to hear if the answer feels right and/or resonates for you. It may be that you cannot interpret or feel the answer well. In that case, you can ask an additional question (reply to my email); this is free of charge.

If you are still not satisfied or would like more clarity or help in gaining more insight, you can also request a conversation. See: ‘I would like a personal interview’.

I would like a personal interview

You don’t yet have the desired insight or answer you are looking for? Or the answers do not (yet) resonate with your feelings? In short: you are not yet satisfied. Through a maximum of an hour, I will be happy to help you interpret the answers.

Cost: € 75 per half hour

I have another question

If you want to know more about a Life Question, contact me personally.

At the bottom of the page, use the CONTACT button to submit your details and your question. I will then contact you within a few days.

In this dimension, all knowledge and wisdom is present. Get in touch with 'the highest consciousness'. To live your own life to the full. The source of unconditional love.

With heart and soul

Listen to your Soul and follow your Heart. Get your Life Question answered. Get very personal insight into yourself and a clear direction, so that you can make your own choice.

Warmest regards!
Coen Stenfert

Coen Stenfert

Conscious Living

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