The Creation
of You

Keep listening to your own voice

The Creation
of You

Keep listening to your own voice

Author: Coen Stenfert
Language: Dutch
72 pages
Richly illustrated
For readers aged 8 to 100


Excluding shipping costs

“Similar to ‘The Little Prince’ and ‘A Conversation with God for Children’.”
“The most profound philosophical topics are explained in a simple, novel and disarming way.”
“Incredibly cleverly done with clear language and integrity.”



Isn’t it nice to know that you are completely fine the way you are? And that you are here for a reason? By getting to know yourself well, you can always feel good. Maybe you sometimes forget that as you walk around in the world… Through this book, you will gain insight into how you can see the world and that life is actually one big adventure in which you play the lead role.

Who am I? Why am I on Earth? Why am I sometimes sick? What do I actually want to do or become? And what do respect, responsibility, and independence have to do with it? Creating Yourself is a book about life and about you. It helps you to know who and what you are. It helps you get to know yourself, trust yourself and naturally do what suits you.

This book is written for readers aged 8 to 100.


“Similar to ‘The Little Prince’ and ‘A Conversation with God for Children’.”

“The most profound philosophical topics are explained in a simple, novel and disarming way. Incredibly cleverly done with clear language and integrity. As far as I am concerned, comparable to books like ”The Little Prince” and ”A Conversation with God for Children”.” Age? For people aged 10 to 110…”

Patricia van Walstijn, Chi Neng Institute Europe.

“Special and very valuable for children and adults!”

“This book is really worth reading! The chapters describe in a clear and special way what the essentials are in life. Especially for children from around 10 years old, it can be a handhold and guide for everyday life and the issues they face. I bought the book for my daughter and later for a colleague who works a lot with children.
I have read it myself and it can offer new insights for adults too! So highly recommended, a very special little book!”

“A little book that beautifully answers some crucial questions.”

“Easy to read for children, but due to the use of terms like ‘responsibility’ and ‘awareness’ (which are admittedly well explained), I think child readers are pretty much from 10 years old. But highly recommended for all adults!

“Great as a first experience, for example, for children & young people.”

“Lovely first encounter with this (soul) thinking!”


  • What is consciousness?
  • Who am I?

  • What do I actually want?

  • Why am I here on earth?

  • What is responsibility?

  • It takes one to know one

  • Friendship

  • Why am I sick?

  • What is independence?

  • What is respect?

  • Dying

Writing style

The Creation of You is a well-paced and clearly written book, written for both children (aged 8 and above) and adults.

The book addresses a range of socially relevant topics in a clear and easy to understand way, while speaking directly to the reader.


The Creation of You is a richly illustrated book with wonderfully imaginative illustrations by Tessa Aaij from Studio Kikor.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Who is this book for?

For yourself or as a gift, for everyone from 8 to 100! Also for those who are professionally* active in child and adolescent development (child and adolescent coaches, teachers, internal supervisors, social workers etc).

*NB Please contact us if you are interested in working together and/or purchasing in larger quantities.

Coen Stenfert, author


“It’s often the case that confirmation of what you already know lowers the threshold to really starting to believe in yourself, so that, when the time is right, you stop doubting everything you actually already know but keep seeking confirmation for.”

I have two passions, one of which is writing. However, I am not a conventional writer of books. I make contact with, as I call it, the highest consciousness and then write down what this consciousness passes on to me. In the highest consciousness all knowledge is in existence and we are all one.

It took me a long time to really believe that this is true. Every time I wrote, I thought to myself: where does this knowledge come from, how is it possible that I know this? Reading back my writing, I’m sure I couldn’t have known this in the beginning, at least not consciously. Even if it comes from my subconscious, there is no way to explain that I can write about other people too.

I see consciousness as a cloud in which all knowledge is present, a cloud which we are all part of and have access to as humanity.

In my books, I explain how consciousness works and what it is. By also making myself vulnerable, I answer many life questions. This makes people more able to recognise themselves.

If everyone understands what consciousness is, and recognises that we are (all) one in the end and that everything is right, then people will treat themselves and each other very differently.

Marjet, my dear friend and life partner discovered my gift. With much love and patience, she helped me develop it and inspired me to write the books.
Let us open to the highest consciousness and experience the wonders of life.

On my website you will find information about my two books: “States of Consciousness” and “The creation of you“. There is also the opportunity to ask Life Questions.

Let’s open ourselves to the highest consciousness and experience the wonders of life.

More from Coen

From contact with ‘the highest consciousness’, I also wrote the book States of Consciousness. Read more >




  • Title: The Creation of You
  • Language: Dutch
  • Binding style: Paperback
  • Date 1st print: 2010
  • Reissue: 2023
  • Number of pages: 72
  • Illustrations: Yes, full colour
  • NUR code: 728

People involved

  • Author: Coen Stenfert
  • Editor: Sanne Visch
  • Collaboration and inspiration: Marjet van Ditshuizen
  • Illustrations and layout: Tessa Aaij, Studio Kikor
  • Art direction: Maarten Bosch, Boschcommunicatie
  • Publisher: Coen Stenfert in collaboration with Pumbo


  • Weight: 113 g
  • Width: 121 mm
  • Height: 190 mm
  • Thickness: 000 mm
  • EAN: 978-90-833527-1-8

Want a taste?

Browse the preview copy of the introduction and the first 2 chapters of  ‘The Creation of You’ by clicking on the adjacent image. 

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The Creation
of You

Paperback, 72 pages, richly illustrated


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  • delivered within 3-4 working days
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Given my limited margin on the book, I would appreciate it if you order through this website. However, the book can also be ordered through (Pumbo) and your bookstore.

Coen Stenfert

Conscious Living

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