States of Consciousness
Where do we go from here?

States of Consciousness
Where do we go from here?
Author: Coen Stenfert
Language: English
290 pages
€ 25
Excluding shipping costs
“Wonderful, enlightening book.”
“A form of spontaneous dialogue in flow.”
“It woke me up again.”
This book is written from knowledge passed on from the highest consciousness and therefore encompasses the wisdom we all have and can access whenever we want.
By starting to see life from many sides, you become increasingly aware of who you are and what you have come to do on Earth, and how to create the things you want.
By seeing yourself as consciousness, something that is never lost, you start to experience your life differently. You discover that everything is right, that everything should be as it is and that this is absolutely perfect.
“Consciousness states has reawakened me.”
“This book is another eye-opener for me. It is so easy to keep forgetting that you make your own life, and shape your own thoughts. States of Consciousness has put me back on the ‘right path for me’ and made me realise that I need to trust my own intuition more, have faith, look at events from a different angle, in short: live consciously. Thank you Coen Stenfert!”
Jan Bommerez, author of Flow and the Art of Business and Less Need More Flow:
“What is special about Coen’s book is that it is not channelled but rather a form of spontaneous dialogue in flow. Something within us is automatic and programmed and something else (though not actually really a ‘something’) is free and spontaneous. We humans ‘think’ with our automatic part, our ‘personal self’. Thinking is nothing more than a survival tool for our limited form.”
“When our thinking is silent, this spontaneous ‘something’ can come through us and it turns out to be not personal at all but transpersonal: it is the Indivisible Life itself.”
“Just as we as individuals evolve to become more expressive of Life, the same is true for humanity as a whole. The Internet and telecommunications have transformed the world into one global village. This is an external expression of an inner truth: that everything is one. It is only more visible now than before.”
“With the Internet and telecommunications, Life has gained a vehicle for collective intelligence. We are becoming one big brain and that gives unprecedented possibilities. The current crisis is the clearing of the old world, created by short-sighted egos. This unprecedented crisis is the death struggle of the ego.”
“Now it is the turn of the collective intelligence, which it is wise to cooperate with. Those who don’t will join the dinosaurs.”
“How do we cooperate with this collective intelligence? By opening ourselves to the ‘higher will’, by being a channel rather than an ego. Coen’s book only came about because he was willing to be a channel for something higher. Every one of us can do that.”
“Let’s just do it. Miracles then become quite normal…“
“Insight for normal people.”
“If, like me, you are rather down-to-earth, it is a pleasant surprise to come across a book with what appears to be a ‘heavy’ subject, but in which things are written down so naturally and in such apt and accessible terms that after reading it, you can only think that this author not only has a direct line to his own heart but also knows how to touch yours immediately. Highly recommended for everyone who wants to be more focused on life!”
“Wonderful, enlightening book.”
“Bit strange too, because of the question-and-answer style. But if you can let go of that, this book indeed delivers a completely fresh, different, innovative vision – which I found very enriching for myself. Sometimes things are a bit different from what we have been taught.”
“Connects completely with the teachings of Abraham (Esther Hicks).”
“‘After looking at your website, I have just read a piece in your first book (States of Consciousness) and have just now ordered it. What I have read so far is completely in line with The Teachings of Abraham as depicted by Esther Hicks. I assume you are familiar with it. I wish you much resonance in the work you are doing.”
“Stimulates me!”
”I read your book regularly and it encourages me to think about what I really want.”
- Introduction
- Consciousness
- Connect
- Being free
- Time
- Dreams
- Emancipation
- Fears
- Animals
- Projections
- Aliens
- Matter
- Light balls
- Holograms
- Children
- Sex
- Being enlightened
- Conscious living
- Death
- Life
- Money
- Power
- God
- Chaos
- Living other dimensions
- Angels
Writing style
States of Consciousness is a well-paced and clearly written book in dialogue form.
A range of themes are addressed by talking to the ‘higher consciousness’ in the first person, in easy-to-read chapters.
Who is this book for?
For anyone who wants to experience that everything is energy and everything is based on universal laws. And for those who want to understand why certain things happen to you in your life.
When you understand this, you need never be a victim of a situation again, and the things you create happen.
Coen Stenfert, author
“It’s often the case that confirmation of what you already know lowers the threshold to really starting to believe in yourself, so that, when the time is right, you stop doubting everything you actually already know but keep seeking confirmation for.”
I have two passions, one of which is writing. However, I am not a conventional writer of books. I make contact with, as I call it, the highest consciousness and then write down what this consciousness passes on to me. In the highest consciousness all knowledge is in existence and we are all one.
It took me a long time to really believe that this is true. Every time I wrote, I thought to myself: where does this knowledge come from, how is it possible that I know this? Reading back my writing, I’m sure I couldn’t have known this in the beginning, at least not consciously. Even if it comes from my subconscious, there is no way to explain that I can write about other people too.
I see consciousness as a cloud in which all knowledge is present, a cloud which we are all part of and have access to as humanity.
In my books, I explain how consciousness works and what it is. By also making myself vulnerable, I answer many life questions. This makes people more able to recognise themselves.
If everyone understands what consciousness is, and recognises that we are (all) one in the end and that everything is right, then people will treat themselves and each other very differently.
Marjet, my dear friend and life partner discovered my gift. With much love and patience, she helped me develop it and inspired me to write the books.
Let us open to the highest consciousness and experience the wonders of life.
On my website you will find information about my two books: “States of Consciousness” and “The creation of you“. There is also the opportunity to ask Life Questions.
Let’s open ourselves to the highest consciousness and experience the wonders of life.
More from Coen
From contact with ‘the highest consciousness’, I also wrote the book The Creation of You. Read more >
I also offer others insight and clarity in their lives, by answering Life Questions and preparing Soul Readings.
- Title: States of Consciousness
- Subtitle: Where are we going?
- Language: English
- Binding style: Paperback
- 1st edition: 2007
- Reissue: 2023
- Number of pages: 290
- Illustrations: No
- NUR code: 728
- NUR description: Spirituality
People involved
- Author: Coen Stenfert
- Editor: Sanne Visch
- Editor: Marjet van Ditshuizen
- Cover design: Maarten Bosch
- Text editing English version: Esther Riley
- Publisher: Coen Stenfert in collaboration with Pumbo
- Weight: 451 g
- Width: 149 mm
- Height: 223 mm
- Thickness: 16 mm
- EAN: 978-90-83352-75-6
Want a taste?
Browse the preview copy of the Foreword by Jan Bommerez, Foreword by Coen Stenfert, Introduction, and Chapter 1 ‘Consciousness’ by clicking on the adjacent image.
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€ 25
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Coen Stenfert
Conscious Living
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